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Friday, December 11, 2009

Electricity Monitor - UPDATE

On Wednesday I wrote about my new gadget - the electricity monitor.

Now that it's been in operation for a couple of days, I thought I'd give a first review of how it's going.

As I wrote, the installation is quite easy.  The supplied clip is attached to the red mains cable.  It's perfectly safe to do, there is no requirement for electrical knowledge or qualifications.  You can seen mine attached here.

The cable then connects to the wireless transmitter (seen here) and from there the information is transmitted to the display.

The display shows a number of different pieces of information.

The large number is the current (excuse the pun!) cost; in pence, per hour.  This fluctuates, and you can immediately see the difference when you switch on the kettle (for example).  This morning it jumped from 5p to 20p just to make a cup of tea.  The important thing is to only boil what you need, and not a full kettle - that way the cost reduces as soon as the boiling is complete.

Other information, seen here is the accumulative cost, since starting transmitting.  Here it shows £4.19 - which is the approximate cost of electricity used since Tuesday evening.  The current temperature is shown (although this has no bearing on anything other than giving information - unless your heating is electric) and the time.

The time is important if you have more than one price tariff during the day.  You can then set the cost within the unit, and the price will automatically change to the relevant tariff, giving a more accurate indication of cost.

There are other displays available, such as the amount of energy used - accumulative, this is showing 36Kwh since Tuesday evening; with a approx 0.5kw per hour being used.

From a greenhouse gas perspective, the unit informs me that we have used 0.0154 tonnes of CO2, which equates to 0.215Kg per hour!!

All in all, this does make one a little paranoid; however, it's an impressive unit, and we are now working, pro-actively, to drive down the cost of our electricity usage.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Very interesting!

I think I would become paranoid with it though


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