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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Potters Wheel

I've been sitting here for the last couple of hours, and my mind has gone blank.

Totally... Blank.

I had this idea to write about, and its gone! Even staring out of the window, at the snow-covered trees, weak sunlight and passing traffic, hasn't helped me to remember.

What was it??? Well, this really isn't going to make for much of a post this evening; so here's the Potters Wheel to fill in the time...

Indeed, the Potters Wheel was used as an interlude on the BBC, back in the 1950s, when television was mostly broadcast live.  Because television cameras were heavy, unwieldy, and few and far between, the Potters Wheel was used to fill the gaps, whilst the studio was set up for the next programme.

I still haven't remembered what the original story was going to be; but I hope you found this somewhat interesting.

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